Koku Anyidoho tells his side of how Atta Mills died

According to GhanaWeb “
Koku Anyidoho, a former presidential spokesperson has spoken about the circumstances surrounding the death of John Evans Atta Mills in July 2012.

The late president died at the 37 Military Hospital where he had been rushed to, from the Castle, the seat of presidency at the time.

Anyidoho, at the time perceived to be a ‘powerful’ aide to the former president noted that he had been severally accused to taking custody of the ailing president by personally transporting him to the hospital.

Even though he has debunked the claims in previous interview, he has on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of Mills’ death written his side of the story which he says should lay to rest all the other allegations.


The President was NOT driven to the 37 Military Hospital by Koku Anyidoho.

The President was driven in an assigned ambulance with known medics.

The President was not sent to the Maternity Ward.

The President was driven straight to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

His piece published on Rainbow Radio’s website continued: “As regards the ICU, and as fate would have it, President Atta-Mills, as part of his “Surprise Visits” to selected State Institutions, visited the 37 Military Hospital, and the ICU in particular was one of the facilities that he entered, to walk through upgrading that had taken place.

“He was also shown around (certainly not inside) the rebuilt mortuary. So, he died at the ICU and was sent to the morgue – life has a way of throwing at us, the fleeting nature of our existence.

“Do I know what killed President Atta-Mills? NO! No autopsy report has been made public so the nation still does not know what killed our beloved President.

“Fact is, he is gone and shall never come back in flesh. All I can do, is to help keep his memory alive – and I shall do so no matter the evil and wicked nonsensical noises that the pretenders make in their obtuse world.”

FULL TEXT: 11 Years On: Did I Drive President Atta-Mills To 37 Military Hospital? Koku Anyidoho writes

Some people, for diverse reasons, invested time and energy in announcing the death of President John Evans Atta-Mills (as if the death would prolong their lifespan) several times before that fateful, Tuesday, July 24, 2012.

Many weird stories flew cluelessly, about how the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Ghana was moved from the Castle to the 37 Military Hospital.

One of the weirdest of the weirdest, had it that, Koku Anyidoho drove the President in the boot of his official Ford vehicle, to the 37 Military Hospital. Hmm!

As part of attempts to create the extremely fake impression that I had absolute control at the Castle, this falsehood about me carrying the President to the 37 Military Hospital, was bandied around.

Over the years, I have tried in many ways to tell the true story. This year, I decided to tell the true story in print because of a question a highly respected personality in Ghana asked me during a casual conversation.

The conversation went thus:

“So how is the Atta-Mills Institute doing?”

“By the kind grace of God, we are marching on gradually”.

“… So, is it true you carried the President in the boot of your vehicle to 37? And is it true that he was sent to the maternity ward?”

“It is not true I drove the President to 37 and it is not true he was sent to the maternity ward”.

“Are you sure about what you are saying? Because it was/is all over the place that you drove him and you took him to the maternity ward. Honestly, if I had not met you today to have this conversation with you, that’s what I have believed all these years …”. Phew!

It was this conversation that occasioned this piece in memory of the late President John Evans Atta-Mills.


The President was NOT driven to the 37 Military Hospital by Koku Anyidoho.

The President was driven in an assigned ambulance with known medics.

The President was not sent to the Maternity Ward.”

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